In our previous class we used ArcGIS to manipulate how data is
displayed and presented in ArcMap. Now we will start making actual changes to
datasets in ArcMap. It’s very important to know that although data sets are in
different coordinate systems they can still be displayed together. To re-project
a dataset you must first access the data management toolbox and go to
projections and transformations toolsets and click on the project subset tool
since you are using a vector shapefile. The input and output information is
then filled and saved in the specific activity folder. The coordinate system is
then renamed UTM and added in a separate data frame. Both data frames needs to
be activated before they are displayed, slight difference in size are noted from
both projections. The second step that needs to be done is to add another field
to the attribute table to add area in each specific state. To get the specific
area of selected states (Alachua, Escambia, Polk and Miamia-Dade) use the calculate geometry function. A color ramp was
also used to identify and label both projections, this was done with an SQL
query. To finalize this map both projections needs to be displayed; the major difference
will be the size of the states. The maps also need labeling for Alachua,
Escambia, Polk and Miamia-Dade as well as labeling for the separate maps which
are UTM and Albers. Basic map elements are then added (title, scale, legend and
north arrow).
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