Friday, 27 November 2015

Importing Tabular Data

In this activity of ArcGIS importing tabular data was the main objective. Importing data in AcrGIS involves inputting X and Y coordinate data from spreadsheet or access database into ArcGIS. The information provided for this activity were: aparcels shapefile, a claimant_xy.csv table, a sample_location.csv table and a parcel_value.csb table. Using this data we had to make a map on a lawsuit based on contaminants and property values for Bayou Texar. To initiate this activity the shape-files need to be added to ArcGIS but they only show properties and not values. To get the data need we need to merge the tabular data to the shape-files to get the property values. To do this we use the join function and select the Parcel_ID for both shapefiles on the attribute table. Now parcel shapefile need to be added and the claimant needs to be imported. This can be done by going to the File tab, under Add data selecting Add XY and select the claimant_xy.csv table. Thereafter the Coordinate System needs to be changed to WGS1984 in the geographic coordinate systems. This process is repeated for the sample_location_,csv to show the different pointd for each table. Then the parcel_value.csb can be joined with the parcel shapefile and by right clicking on the parcel shapefile and selecting parcel_value. A color ramp was then added by accessing the symbology of the parcel shapefile and selecting market_value and graduated color ramp. The final map should display different colored parcels depending on market value, points that representing Plaintiffs' properties and also the sample location of the contaminants. Basic map elements were then added to finalize the map.

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